
Headaches come from many different causes

When you are sitting at work you realize the dull pressure building behind the ears, or you have been driving at night when the on-coming lights cause you to squint over and over.   You are reading a book or looking down at your phone and you are feeling the dread of another set of pills.  Gateway Chiropractic will give you answers as to why and where the location of the cause and our care strategy very likely some immediate relief in most cases.  Any extended concentration  or the wrong pressure on a nerve is all it takes.  If your goal is to try taking less pills,  Gateway Chiropractic is one choice. 

Headaches in Bristow, Nokesville,  Manassas, Warrenton can be caused by these stressers… local Work, Family, School, Sports, weekend hobbies

Work schedules and assignments and deadlines,  or your posture at work maybe wrong or contributing  to small repetitive injuries while sitting at a computer.  Child care or supervision has its demands like when bending while lifting children.  High school sports like highly competitive football, travel lacrosse, AAU basketball,  wrestling, field hockey, travel soccer all are prone to leave the athlete with after practice pain and early treatment is best to stay on the surface without degraded performance .   Excessive concentration as in school without a break can develop into muscle strain or pressure on the same nerve without rest or recovery time.  Driving on Route 66 or local traffic patterns often causes headaches from eyestrain or neck strain,  even poor seat posture can lead to headaches.

Gateway chiropractic can often suggest alternative techniques, posture pads or exercises to moderate the pain caused stress or repetitive activity, like sitting at a computer or sitting in car from Washington DC / Alexandria / Pentagon/

We determine what is causing pain by…

Gateway Chiropractic will perform a full exam while asking related questions to expose activity contributing to suspected cause of the pain.  The chiropractic visit at our facility will seek relax your areas using therapy techniques like heat therapy or electric stim therapy.  This therapy or setup treatment helps to prepare you to relax and allow the strategies to have success during a visit.   Sometimes pain will not relax or if day after day a headache returns and these should be addressed with a chiropractic visit. 

What does a chiropractor do? Adjustment and Manipulation are words used

when your chiropractor applies pressure to specific areas of the neck using her  or her hands or a chiropractic tool, it is called an adjustment. The adjustment release vertebrae to settle into their correct positions. Adjustments are subtle but a cracking sound that occurs when the joint has released a buildup of pressure in the joints which will reduce the inflammation.

Reduction in Pain

When you visit for headache type symptoms, Gateway Chiropractic will begin with an exam. An adjustment helps your spine and joints heal, but may not be fully corrected on the first visit. The goal is to encourage your body’s ability to heal itself by reducing inflammation and swelling. The goal is the sooner an adjustment can relieve nerve stress from headaches, the better.  The adjustment targets pain relief to help the injured area recover naturally.


Active Release Technique

Active Release Technique (ART) is a soft tissue therapy designed to rid injured areas of scar tissue. At Gateway Chiropractic, we if we find the condition to be stubborn perhaps slow to respond to initial treatment we may incorporate ART in our treatment of musculoskeletal disorders to remedy injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, rotator cuff injuries, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, tennis elbow, headaches, and back pain. All of these conditions tend to have one thing in common: the result of an overused muscle.


Laser Therapy

Laser treatments enhance blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, photons of light penetrate deep into tissue and accelerate tissue repair. This reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing of damaged tissues. Laser treatment can provide faster relief from pain and stiffness without prescription medications.

Experiencing pain as a result of an auto accident?

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